Five function electric manipulator arm
5 functions, with multiple jaws available
3 connectors for auxiliary devices
Easy to operate and switch
Mountable as left or right arm
The EM5 is a high performance, rugged, compact and reliable multi-function electric manipulator arm developed by TMI-Orion Dynamics for underwater operation on observation class ROVs. It is a five function manipulator module offering the following functions:
127° Slew
120° Elevation
120° Elbow bend
Continuous jaw rotation
Jaw open/close
The compact design has an embedded electronic controller, with no additional pod required. Monitoring software is available for remote operation, or a TMI-Orion Surface Control Unit can be ordered separately. The arm can be controlled with a game pad, and Cartesian control mode is available. Applications include underwater precision manipulation, scientific and environmental samples collection and subaquatic tooling and grabbing.